Join us in Prayer.
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"We know that prayer changes things. We know that the greatest weapon in our hands, the greatest thing we can do, the greatest contribution we can make at this moment, is to firstly pray. So let's pray..."
Gavin Calver, Evangelical Alliance CEO
There is nothing more exciting, or powerful, than Christians praying together. As a Church we are all being encouraged to consider our own Prayer life and, also, our corporate Prayer life.
So join us in Prayer.

Sunday Morning Prayer
Main Hall
10:30am - 10:45am
We meet weekly for prayer in the main hall before the service at 10:30am, everyone is welcome!

Praise & Prayer
First Wednesday of the month
8:00pm - 9:15pm
On the first Wednesday of each month from 8:00pm - 9:15pm the church meets together to pray about church life and give thanks for the answers we have received.
Our meetings usually begin with a Bible reading that leads us to think about an aspect of God's love and character, and how he will help us. Then we turn to pray about what is going on in church, forthcoming events, people who need prayer, plans for the future, and so on. For part of the meeting we break into smaller groups to encourage those who are not as confident praying out loud in a large group.
There is always an opportunity to mention important personal matters for prayer that you wish to share.
The Annexe
Prayer Colouring Pages
Illustrated Ministry have produced some prayer colouring pages perfect for adults and children. They are avaliable to download as a PDF here.