Children (4-11)
Groups for Primary School age children.

Discoverers (Reception to Year 6)
Sundays mornings during the service
Discoverers meets on Sunday mornings at the same time as our morning service (11:00am - 12:15pm). We join the main church service at 11:00am, and go to our on class after about 20-25 minutes. Our lessons are focused on the Bible, with plenty of chat and activity.
We enjoy adding to our video case Bible library - we have a case for each book in the Bible and each week we put a small reminder of the Bible story in the appropriate box. It helps us to remember what we've been learning about and is great to look back at from time to time.
Fridays (during term time)
6:30pm - 7:45pm
At Energise the children play games, cook or do crafts in an informal setting. We aim to teach something of the love of Christ through instruction, practical example and friendship. We aim to achieve this through a short, gospel-centered talk; building relationships with the children (and to a lesser extent, their parents); showing care and concern; and making church a fun place to be.
An evening at Energise starts with a gospel-centered talk and the opportunity for the children to ask questions about it. After this, children are free to use the facilities available to them as they choose. They may cook, play table top or running around games, or make from a selection of available crafts.
SPRING TERM DATES: 17th January 2025 to 28th March 2025 with a break for half-term on 21st February 2025